News: Kid Care Afterschool: Registration Tips & Instructions
Tips -
- Prior to Registration... Grades automatically roll up on 6/1/24.
If you are registering an incoming kindergarten student before 6/1/24 -
the grade should be "PK". Also, if your child's grade is incorrect or listed
as "N/A", please contact Andover Rec to update.
- After registration is complete...Check your receipt! Be sure that your receipt lists all of the weekdays you desired. Please email if you experience any problem.
Registration Instructions: Families CURRENTLY attending program -
- Log into your household account.
- On 3/17/25, starting at 10:00 am, register for the Kid Care Afterschool: Enrollment Fee 2025-26 and pay the one-time, non-refundable $50 fee per child.
- You will be asked to complete a series of forms & questions.
- Complete the 2025-2026 Kid Care fillable PDF registration packet found on the bottom of the Kid Care info page.
- You are making a commitment for September and responsible for all the days you registered for. (After September, you can drop days without penalty.)
Application Instructions: NEW Families -
- Log into your household account or create one. Be sure your information and your child's information is up-to-date and accurate.
- On 3/31/25, starting at 10:00 am, register for the Kid Care Afterschool: Enrollment Fee 2025-26 and pay the one-time, non-refundable $50 fee per child.
- You will be asked to complete a series of forms & questions.
- Complete the 2025-2026 Kid Care fillable PDF registration packet found on the bottom of the Kid Care info page.
- Based on space available, families will be registered.
- If space is not available for any or all of the days you want, you will have the option of going on the waitlist.
- The Application Fee will ONLY be refunded if you do not register for any days and do not go on the waitlist.
- You are making a commitment for September and responsible for all the days you registered for. (After September, you can drop days without penalty.)