Andover Recreation & Youth Services
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News: Kid Care Afterschool: Registration Tips & Instructions

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Tips - Instructions
  • Prior to Registration... Grades automatically roll up on 6/1/24.
    If you are registering an incoming kindergarten student before 6/1/24 -
    the grade should be "PK".  Also, if your child's grade is incorrect or listed
    as "N/A", please contact Andover Rec to update.
  • After registration is complete...Check your receipt! Be sure that your receipt lists all of the weekdays you desired.  Please email if you experience any problem.

Registration Instructions: Families CURRENTLY attending program -

  1. Log into your household account.  
  2. On 3/17/25, starting at 10:00 am, register for the Kid Care Afterschool: Enrollment Fee 2025-26 and pay the one-time, non-refundable $50 fee per child.
  3. You will be asked to complete a series of forms & questions.  
  4. Complete the 2025-2026 Kid Care fillable PDF registration packet found on the bottom of the Kid Care info page.
  5. You are making a commitment for September and responsible for all the days you registered for.  (After September, you can drop days without penalty.)

Application Instructions: NEW Families -
  1. Log into your household account or create one.  Be sure your information and your child's information is up-to-date and accurate. 
  2. On 3/31/25, starting at 10:00 am, register for the Kid Care Afterschool: Enrollment Fee 2025-26  and pay the one-time, non-refundable $50 fee per child.
  3. You will be asked to complete a series of forms & questions.  
  4. Complete the 2025-2026 Kid Care fillable PDF registration packet found on the bottom of the Kid Care info page.
  5. Based on space available, families will be registered.
  6. If space is not available for any or all of the days you want, you will have the option of going on the waitlist.
  7. The Application Fee will ONLY be refunded if you do not register for any days and do not go on the waitlist.
  8. You are making a commitment for September and responsible for all the days you registered for.  (After September, you can drop days without penalty.)